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The League is a political grassroots network and membership organization that believes the freedom to vote is a nonpartisan issue. For more than a century, we’ve worked to empower voters and defend democracy. As a women-led led organization, we encourage everyone to take part in our democracy.
Louise Renne and League members at annual holiday luncheon

Who is the League of Women Voters?

The League of Women Voters (LWV) is a nonpartisan, grassroots nonprofit dedicated to empowering everyone to fully participate in our democracy. With active Leagues in all 50 states and more than 750 Leagues across the country, we engage in advocacy, education, litigation, and organizing to protect every American’s freedom to vote. 

Founded in 1920, the League was a merger of the National Council of Women Voters and the National American Women’s Suffrage Association. Referred to as a “mighty political experiment,” it aimed to help newly enfranchised women exercise their right to vote. Learn more about the history League of Women Voters of the US.

The League of Women Voters of Piedmont (LWVP) strives to keep the residents of Piedmont informed about local elections and policy issues that affect the community. It aims to educate voters on social policy issues including fair housing, racial justice, climate change, and election reform.

LWVP was established in 1948 to take an active role in the community. With the goal of becoming more informed together, LWVP formed a Civic Study Group in January of that year. The members set out to conduct a complete study on the ballot for the upcoming City Election and the manner in which the City Charter could be amended. Learn more about the history of LWVP.

LWVP continues to study upcoming ballots and provides materials for community members to make informed decisions when casting their votes.

Our Mission: Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

Our Vision: We seek to make a difference in our larger community by advocating for local policy, and engaging and educating the electorate to increase voter turnout.

Our volunteers work tirelessly to empower voters and defend democracy. Meet our 2024-25 Board Members.

Why Support the League of Women Voters?

2022 Women
The League is a grassroots organization providing every member the opportunity to learn and educate others about government, and take action on public policy. We walk our talk: we believe that we need everyone to participate in order for our community to be strong, safe and vibrant.

Whether you contribute your time, your money, or both you can feel confident that your investment in democracy goes further in the League. Help us with our mission of:

Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

2021 No More Excuses Action
Your participation in League will expose you to a breadth of experiences and issues that will not only inform you but create greater possibilities for civic engagement than you might imagine. You can spend as much or as little time as you wish.

Whether you aspire to leadership or are keen to follow the lead of experienced members, the League will excite, use, and nurture your civic curiosity, ideals, and desire for action.

LWVP Presidents

2020-24: Lorrel Plimier
2018-20: Nancy Beninati
2016-18: Katy Foulkes
2014-16: Cathie Geddeis
2013-14: Hope Salzer
2012-13: Julie McDonald
2011-12: Sue Kawaichi
2010-11: Tam Hege, Sue Kawaichi
2008-10: Lianne Campodonico
2006-08: Susan Schroeder
2003-06: Mary Ann Benson
2001-03: Krys Wulff
2000-01: Mary Iverson
1997-99: Karen Mai
1995-97: Carole Levenson
1993-95: Tam Hege
1992-93: Deborah Van Nest
1991-92: Karen Mai
1989-91: Shirley Schell
1987-89: Gail Dryden
1986-87: Valerie Matzger
1984-86: Karen Mai
1982-84: Katy Foulkes
1980-82: Tam Hege
1978-80: Katy Foulkes
1977-78: Kerry Reynolds
1975-77: Dorothy (Dot) Nelson
1973-75: Helen Herbert
1972-73: Gaye Kincaid
1971-72: Mrs. Donald Kincaid (Gaye)
1969-71: Mrs. Vernon Goodwin
1968-69: Mrs. Charles Mynard (Wilma)
1966-68: Mrs. H. S. Ruth
1964-66: Mrs. David Wendel (Pat)
1962-64: Mrs. Charles Mynard
1959-62: Mrs. E. A. Hassan, Jr.
1957-59: Mrs. L.T. Hayes
1955-57: Mrs. Roger Eliassen
1953-55: Mrs. Emil Reinhardt
1951-53: Mrs. Carl Flegal
1949-51: Mrs. Lauffer T. Hayes
1948-49: Mrs. W. Ed Wallace

Learn About Volunteering

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Meet Our
2024-25 Board of Directors


Linda McClain headshot
VP of Membership
Linda McClain
Linda cares about tutoring under-educated kids (we need more tutors!), reducing gun violence (and violence in general), and  reducing homelessness. Her personal motto is “look for chances to do a little good each day.” In her spare time she enjoys cooking, entertaining, games, and travel with friends & family. Linda is a retired real estate agent with a BS degree from from UC Berkeley in Business Administration.

Kathleen Quenneville headshot
Kathleen Quenneville
Kathleen brings her background as an active volunteer and retired attorney to the League's battle to protect democracy. Raised in Michigan, she moved to the Bay Area after completing her BA in Economics.  Kathleen moved to Piedmont after getting together with her now-wife some 38 years ago, who said they could live anywhere as long as it was Piedmont. She and her wife have two adult children who attended the Piedmont schools. Kathleen is an avid reader, cook, and swimmer. She has a passion for good governance.

Jennifer Nixon headshot
Jennifer Nixon
Jennifer brings her background as a dedicated volunteer and (retired) publishing, nonprofit, and management consulting executive to the League's mission to empower voters and defend democracy. A native Californian, Jennifer has two adult children who attended the Piedmont schools. She is a graduate of UCSC (BA, psychology and environmental studies), University of Chicago (MA, Divinity), and Harvard University (MBA). She is passionate about social justice and protecting our precious environment. In her free time Jennifer enjoys theater, reading, cooking, yoga, traveling, and singing.


Jennifer Trainor headshot
Voter Service Director
Jennifer Trainor
Jennifer cares about the climate, and saving democracy. She speaks three foreign languages (some better than others) and at any given moment would love to be hiking in the Grand Tetons. On Saturday mornings, you can usually find her getting up late, reading too many news sites, and gardening. Jennifer is a retired product manager and entrepreneur with a BA from Stanford in International Relations and an MBA from Yale.

Mary Hedley headshot
Development Director
Mary Hedley
The June evening was hot, the small Berkeley polling place was crowded and stuffy, and I happily waited my turn to cast my first vote: Shirley Chisholm for President. I still love to vote, and I’m still waiting to be able to say the words ‘Madam President’. I earned a BA (English) and a JD from UC Berkeley.

Anita Stapen headshot
Program Director
Anita Stapen
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Lois Corrin headshot
Lois Corrin
Lois is a jazz enthusiast . She was influenced by her late brother Weldon J. Irvine, Jr. who penned the words to Young, Gifted and Black at the request of Dr. Nina Simome to honor writer Lorraine Hansberry. She likes dancing, especially Salsas! Lois has served as election official in Alameda County for decades with the exception of the two times she campaigned to be a trustee for the board of the Office of Education. Her undergraduate degree in economics was awarded by Stanford University. Her master degree in public administration was awarded by the University of San Francisco. She will be remembered as a social justice advocate and educator of youth with special needs.

Group photo of 2023-24 LWVP Board - outside sitting on rocks - outtake

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The League of Women Voters of Piedmont is a tax-exempt organization under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  Contributions are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law. Our federal tax ID is 94-6094831