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Make a difference in your community and engage your fellow students in the democratic process. Our interns learn skills to become effective communicators and leaders while taking action to better our community.

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Who: Piedmont High School, Millennium High School, Piedmont residents attending private schools, and local college and university students are welcome to apply for the League of Women Voters of Piedmont Internship Program.

When: We have three internships each year: ten-week internships in the fall and spring; six-week internship in summer. You are expected to work an average of five hours per week. Work is completed asynchronously with the exception of a weekly check in with your League mentor. The deadline to apply for the Spring '23 Internship is January 15th.

What: Students will learn about the League, Voting Rights, and Voter Registration, and help us reach out to young people in our community.
Your voice can make a difference.

Why apply?
Give back to the community through public service.
League volunteer helping student register to vote

The LWVP internship program may count as Community Service hours* for Piedmont High School and Millennium High School and will give you experience in one or more of the following areas depending on your own interest.

  • Organizing voter registration events
  • Conducting voter outreach to determine the most critical issues
  • Developing a messaging strategy for the LWVP Youth Engagement Campaign
  • Creating and managing social media campaigns for voter registration and turnout
  • Writing and publishing news articles
  • Researching public policy issues
  • Creating and editing short videos for voter education campaigns

The League of Women Voters of Piedmont is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization. Volunteer interns may receive a $300 honorarium for the ten-week sessions in the fall and the spring.

If you want to make a difference in our community and engage your fellow students in the democratic process, join us and help raise the voices of all Americans.

*To get credit for Community Service Hours, you may need advance approval from your school. Eligible Community Service Hours are limited to unpaid volunteer work.

Students interested in applying should submit a short (under 250 words) statement telling us why you are interested in the internship and what you hope to contribute as an intern. Have questions about the internship? Send us an email at

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The League of Women Voters of Piedmont is a tax-exempt organization under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  Contributions are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law. Our federal tax ID is 94-6094831