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Understanding Piedmont's Housing Element | Affordable Housing in Piedmont?
About this event
Understanding Piedmont's Housing Element | Affordable Housing in Piedmont?
The League of Women Voters of Piedmont is hosting a forum on zoning and affordable housing in Piedmont. Have you wondered what are other cities like ours doing or what process the City will follow to implement the State’s Housing Element mandate?
Please join us on
Tuesday, October 5th at 4:00 p.m. to find out, share your thoughts, and bring your questions!
Our speakers will include Melissa Breach, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at California YIMBY (Yes In My Backyard), Rani Batra, Chair of Piedmont's Housing Advisory Committee and a Piedmont Planning Commissioner, and Gloria Bruce, Executive Director of East Bay Housing Organizations.
The Housing Element is a key part of the City's General Plan and, by State law, must be updated every eight years. Its goals are to address Piedmont's immediate and long-term housing needs and to set forth the City's goals, policies, and actions to support increased housing. The City has convened a Housing Advisory Committee, comprised of Piedmont citizens, to help guide the process.
The second half of the program will be a moderated Q&A session with questions from Zoom participants and YouTube livestream viewers. Register below to receive a Zoom link for this event. You may also visit our
YouTube channel to watch the livestream of the event and ask questions. You will not see the event posted ahead of time on YouTube. It will appear once the program starts at 4pm on October 5th. The program will also be recorded for later viewing on YouTube.
Melissa Breach, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at California YIMBY (Yes In My Backyard) with a statewide perspective on housing
Melissa Breach serves as Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at California YIMBY (Yes In My Backyard), where she works to end the housing shortage and affordability crisis. Before joining California YIMBY in 2019, Melissa served as Executive Director of the League of Women Voters of California, where she worked to empower voters, protect democratic institutions, and find sound policy solutions to California’s most pressing problems. She currently serves on the League of Women Voters of the US Board of Directors.
Rani Batra, Chair of Piedmont's Housing Advisory Committee and Chair of the Piedmont Planning Commission on Piedmont’s housing element process
Rani Batra is leading the citizens’ Piedmont Housing Advisory Committee. She is also currently Chair of the Piedmont Planning Commission. She is a graduate of the University of Virginia Darden Graduate School of Business and Vanderbilt University.
Gloria Bruce, Executive Director of East Bay Housing Organizations with examples of how other East Bay cities are making progress on their housing goals
Gloria Bruce is Executive Director at East Bay Housing Organizations, the leading advocacy coalition promoting affordable housing in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. She has a master’s degree in City and Regional Planning from the University of California, Berkeley and a B.A. from Harvard University. She leads several policy and coalition campaigns.
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